Travel Insurance

Many people buy travel insurance for reasons like flight cancellations, lost luggage etc but the most important thing of all is medical expenses. If you’re not covered sufficiently then you may be liable for tens of thousands of dollars in expenses. You can mitigate this risk completely via a very reasonable annual premium.

So what are my options?

Many people who live in countries with national health services don’t require the full medical insurance package but,
when traveling abroad on holiday or business, one thing we all need as an essential, is travel insurance.

Individual Travel Insurance

This is the best option on a personal basis for you and your family. Pay a small fee every year and receive coverage worldwide in case of emergencies, including local hospital care and repatriation to your home country if necessary.

Business Travel Insurance

Do you own a company where your employees travel regularly on your behalf? Buy a fixed amount of travel dates per annum and allocate them to your staff for use during these business trips.

Any claims can be made via your HR department or directly with us should that be your preference.

This also is a fantastic option for Travel Agents and Affinity Groups to take advantage of the benefits and costings generally only available to larger groups.

Get in touch today to find out more